Monday, June 8, 2009


Ever have one of those days as a mom/woman/human that you just feel like you are just sucking at everything? I am almost to the end of one of those days right now. I have got nothing accomplished today in my house, the bathroom is DISGUSTING especially since I took a shower w/ Abby this morning and put her on the floor after wrapped in a towel and she then peed. The kitchen looks like bed bath and beyond threw up w/ dishes and lord knows what everywhere. I turned my back on Abby for one second while attempting to make dinner and she proceeded to get her arm caught in the bars on the baby gate in such a way that I have NO IDEA how she got it in there. Of course this was right as Edgar was walking in the door and I'm screaming, "o my god!!!!!!!" and he's like "WHAT?" I honestly don't know how we got her arm out w/o breaking it, her arm was at such a weird angle. She is fine, her arm moves and she is now laughing and being herself again, I am still shaking and panicked.
The one thing that I thought I did right today was to buy a new bathing suit. I HATE shopping for these things, I'm sure I'm not alone in this. My problem is I have breasts. Big ones. And I'm still nursing so...draw your own conclusions. All the suits I try on are too small in the boob area, who the hell do they make these things for??? But today I found a semi decent suit, a 2 piece, cute colours! On sale too! I tried it on, not too shabby. I mean the boobs are definitly noticable but it's kind of hard to disguise them in a bathing suit you know? Eukeka! I thought, hooray the search is over!!!!!!!!!! I proudly brought my new suit home, tried it on again. Ok, ok...I can wear this I think. Edgar came home and proudly I try it on for him after dinner, anticipating the compliments. "It's too small on top." are the first words out of his mouth. "yea you are right, I'm taking it back" I respond. Wtf.


  1. I have had many of these days... And by some miracle I found a good bathing suit this year at Target. I never ever find bathing suits I like and that fit right, like you said, in the top area. Did you ever find another one?

  2. I found one at Kohls that is AWESOME! it's kind of 50's I love it :)

  3. I've been wearing the same damn WonderSuit (or whatever the hell it's called) for two years now. When I first got it, I swear I looked 10 lbs. thinner. I've since stretched that sucker out, lemme tell ya. I too, need a new suit...
