Monday, August 10, 2009

big girl in little chair

I took this photo today of Abby and I can't stop looking at it thinking, "omg, she looks so grown up" it makes me sad and proud all that the same time. And makes me laugh too because she was wearing her Elmo bib as a cape :)

hobo baby

The past week has been full of friends and fun. We went to Old Town Alexandria for dinner last week with Joe who was on a Booze Allen work trip to DC. He and Edgar used to be roommates a few hundred years ago and he is such a nice guy. We went to dinner at The Chart House, pretty good food but a little overpriced. They had no veggie options so Edgar got a baked potato and a Caesar salad (the salad could have fed a small town it was so huge) and was very happy with his choices. I had shrimp scampi and it was ok, not 25.00 worth of ok, but ok. Abby was such a good little lady at dinner, she was eating bread, ate some squash that I brought from home, and drank about 3 liters of milk from her kids cup the restaurant gave her. Her and I were engaged in a game of "hold the straw in your mouth like a dog would a stick" for most of dinner which was making her giggle, so I wasn't thinking about the fact that she was drinking SUCH a lot of fluids or taking her to the lady's room to check her diaper. Edgar asked me if I needed to take her and I said, "nah..she will be fine..they make diapers to hold lots of pee pee duh!" ugh...I hate when he is right. When we were finished dinner I picked up Abby out of the high chair and realized that her pants were soaked. With. Pee. oops. So, I took her to the bathroom and realized I didn't have wipes. Me=failing as mother. I couldn't leave the pants on her since they were pee soaked so I had to just put her in a diaper and she had to ride around Old Town in her stroller, for all to see in her underwear and a shirt. Oh, and she also had no shoes or socks on which really completed her hobo look.

Monday, August 3, 2009

another thing no one tells you

When I look at this picture I remember how much of a good time we were having on our honeymoon. We were at an English "pub" in Orlando, Fl. We had been there before when we were there for a friend's wedding, so it is our "local" when we visit there. We were drinking, I was smoking (o cigarettes...i miss you so), we could have sex whenever we wanted to (o yea, I'm going there) was us just doing whatever the hell we want to whenever we wanted to do it. We sure as hell didn't argue all the time or loose the ability to communicate with each other. I think something happens to your relationship after you have a child that is so wonderful, I mean it's lovely and wonderful and blah, blah, blah...What they DON'T tell you is that your husband will become so annoying to you that you will want to shove things up his nose or throw things at him. Or is that just me? I have a wonderful, amazing, adorable husband...he is thoughtful(the other night he went and bought me a Star magazine and an itunes gift card just for the heck of it), patient, a good provider, all around pretty much everything I was looking for. He pretty much deserves a fricking medal for putting up with my array of bitchiness and crap since Abby has been born. I'm very lucky. I guess I just have only enough patience for Abby and after that I just go into complete crazy lady mode at the slightest annoyance. I've never been a very patient person. It is a flaw of mine that I hate. I think having Abby sucked all my reasoning abilities and whatever extra patience I had out of me (not much) and I need to find a way to get them back.
I have been working out since I last wrote on here and it's so great, I have missed working out soooooooo much. Granted...I'm sore as hell but I love being sore from working out. I feel like it will do me good to clear my head and get out of the house for an hour each day. And maybe I will try a little therapy (shhhh, don't tell) I think I need someone other than my mom or my husband to tell me I'm behaving like a crazy bitch to make me actually take note.