Tuesday, December 30, 2008

slow down little girl!

I remember thinking when Abby was a newborn, "I can't wait for her to be older, it will be easier then." I don't know why I thought that Internet? I guess because I'm a first-time mom and I don't know any better huh? Back in the "good ole days" I could put her down in the bassinet or in her little bouncy chair and I could shower, pee, leave the room for a second to get laundry, etc...and she would be content for a little while to just lay and look up at some toys. Now if I leave her perimeter of vision she crys as if I've left her for an hour by herself! This is of course because she doesn't understand that when you can't see someone it doesn't mean they are gone forever, which I'm trying to remedy by lots of games of peekaboo. So having an almost 9 mo old(omg Internet! has it been 9 mos almost) is a whole new ball of wax. She is a crawling, pulling up machine! I can't leave her for a second because she is like a bolt of lightening across the room to follow me where ever I go. Abby also is developing quite the little personality, she protests when things are taken from her (loudly I might add), gets excited over her favourite foods, and has learned to scream. The screaming is funny, well, was funny at first. I was feeding her breakfast one day and she started to scream in delight about the dog I think so I laughed ands he kept doing it, then we were kind of having a squeal off back and forth. So now she screams for fun and it's LOUD, I mean like it makes your ears ring, hopefully it's a phase and will be stopping soon. Abby also has discovered Max's bowls, he's not too thrilled about that but Edgar put up a gate the other day which has hindered her from spilling his water (see photo). All in all I can't believe that it's almost been 9 mos! It has gone by way too fast, I've decided that all the baby things that can be rough to deal with like lack of sleep, clinginess, etc...I'm going to enjoy because one day I will be sad when she doesn't cling to me anymore or want to snuggle in bed with me.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Beginning

Hi Internet,
So...I thought that since I am a stay at home mom now I would give this blogging thing a go. I have become addicted to reading blogs of people that I don't know, it's very strange I feel like I know them now. It all began on 4/7/2008, Abigail was born at a whopping 9lbs 8oz (did you have a c-section? I hear you ask) no Internet, I did not. O it hurt, but after I had my glorious epidural it was smooth (if a bit choppy) sailing. That was the easy part. I'm not sure if you know Internet but after you have a baby your emotions are like a roller coaster that has come off the tracks and is hurtling to the ground at top speed, yes-I was a wreck. I had been watching television programs like, "Bringing Home Baby" and "A Baby Story" and after those ladies had their babies they went home and were so happy, and nursed w/ no problems, and loved their husbands and everything was hunky dory puppies and rainbows. It wasn't like that for me, I thought that something was wrong w/ me, why am I not happy all the time? Why do I not feel "closer" and more in love than ever w/ my husband? OMG I am a horrible mother and have made a terrible mistake!!! Then I talked to my mother and friends of mine who have had children, guess what? Everyone feels that way! EVERYONE Internet. Why is this not advertised? I know about post partum depression and all that but this is not as severe as that, it's just a horrible feeling of, inadequacy and OMG my life will never be the same! I make sure that I tell all my preggo friends that now, I'm sure they think I'm exaggerating or being obnoxious but once they have that baby and they get home, they will know what I mean. I have been a mum now for almost 9 months and it has been the most challenging, frustrating, lovely, painful, wonderful thing I have ever done. It's a pretty, pretty thing.