Thursday, May 28, 2009

to sleep..perchance to dream and other crap

O Internet, the time has come to try to sleep train Abby. I'm not looking forward to it. I'm dreading it in fact. But I would like to have some kind of normalcy to my sleep habits again. I hear stories about Mommies who actually (gasp!) get to sleep in their OWN BEDS! and I want to be there too. I have enjoyed sleeping with Abby and I'm sure I will miss it when that day comes when she is peacefully heading off to dreamland but I will also be doing the Dance of Joy in my bedroom. I got the book "Solving Your Child's Sleep Problems" by Dr. Richard Ferber(the dreaded Ferber!) and so far it's very interesting, it's not just about cry it out apparently so I'm going to read it and them decide what we are going to do. Abby had ANOTHER ear infection and we just finished the meds today, next week we are going to get her ears checked to make sure the infection is gone and then we may start the sleep training. I think that it's going to be like the worst torture for me and probably worse for Edgar because he is a big wimp when it comes to Abby.
I am having a bit of a funk lately, I am missing a good, dear friend that I haven't seen or talked to in about 3 months. I was listening to my ipod the other night and reminiscing about old times when we would go out and dance dance dance our butts off with wild abandonment. I am just missing having friends in general lately, my good friends are all either not talking to me, 12 hours away, or too busy. Sometimes I feel like I'm begging people to be my friend and I really don't find that to be appealing. I do have some "mommy" friends I am getting to know so there is hope for me yet. le sigh...

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