Abby has been walking now for almost a week and we are entering a new phase now called-"I Don't Want To Walk Where You Want Me To" also someone must have taught her passive
resisitance because if I try to pick her up to move her where I want her to go she goes limp. I'm already tired of chasing her around. If you have a baby and they aren't walking yet-enjoy. It is amazing though how fast they catch on to walking, everyday Abby gets a little more sure of herself and goes further and further without falling or tripping over invisible bumps in the carpet. We went to Stride Rite this week and spent way too much money on shoes, $40! I rarely even spend that on my own shoes, in fact...I haven't bought new shoes for 2 years almost--wow that is sad. All the shoes that Abby could wear were PINK, not just pink but PINK. I wanted something that looked
girly but could be a little more neutral, I've been told by my good friend Kari that it is not possible at this stage in the game. Way to force kids into gender stereotypes Stride Rite!
Tonight Edgar and I went on a date to Sushi
Damo in the
Rockville Town Center. Wow, so delicious...I have been craving some sushi for a while now but since Edgar is a vegetarian we never eat it anymore. Funny how Edgar becoming a
veggievore has totally screwed up my diet, no fair.
I warned you about spending too much at Stride Rite! Edgar's a vegetarian! Whoa, that's gotta be tough for the Peruvian in him... so, no more lomo saltado? For shame!