Thought I would stick this photo in here since I forgot to add one in the last post about her birthday. Poor thing she was so sick for her party, takes after me. I have a habit of getting incredibly sick right around special occasions. Abby had her 12 mo nth check up and everything was fine, she had shots (boo hiss!) and was throughly pissed off. Temper tantrums seem to be happening kind of a lot the last couple of days...not sure how I'm supposed to deal w/ them right now. I can't exactly discipline her, I usually just let her thrash around and get it all out or nursing has helped on a few occasions. Anywho...I love Abby's doctor, she is the sweetest lady and I've never met anyone more suited to their job in my life. She is so reassuring and calm, we saw her for Abby's first appointment ever and of course I was a mess. Abby was loosing weight, nursing wasn't going great, she had some orange pee (totally normal apparently) and all in all I was one big tense muscle. Dr Wonderful made me feel so much better and really helped me to come back down to earth and realize I wasn't totally screwing up and Abby would be fine. So at the 12month appointment the doctor told me I have to stop nursing Abby at night. uhhhhh....what? I'm going to have to file that in the same drawer as "getting her to sleep in her crib".
I have a Mommy confession to make: I forgot to brush my teeth today and I have just never got around to doing it yet. I promise I will before I go to bed, especially since I just ate a yummy ice cream.
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