Abby has walked! Not a great distance I might add but she has walked to me about 10 times now, she is getting better and more confident. It's so cute!
The weather lately has been making me melancholy, I hate rainy days. Being a stay at home mom now a rainy day=cabin fever/
babywatchingtoomuchtvbecausemommyisoutofideas. Today to beat the rain Abby and I took a little field trip to
Petsmart to look at
fishies and whatever else we could see. Abby adored the birds and screeched her little lungs out when she saw them, the poor things were all desperately trying to get to the back of the cage away from the huge banshee in their faces. Then we looked at kitties and Abby and I decided that we need one and it's name needs to be Penny, so screw Daddy and his silly ole allergies. I wish we could really get one, but I fear Max would tear it limb from limb. We then traveled to Harris Teeter, we have one now and I've never been in one so we went. Oh My!-I love it. How sad am I that I am so excited over a new grocery store? Am I officially old now? Harris Teeter is the cleanest grocery store I think I've ever seen and it's just cozy. I will be going more often.
I got an email from my stepmother today. I sent them pictures of Abby from her birthday party looking all cute a week ago and got no response so I wrote again to see if they received the email. The response I got was that, yes they got the pics, my dad was rushed to hospital in pain, they did tests, all is fine, hope all is well with you! uh...what? Thanks for a phone call or something!!! I think one day I will get an email from her that says, "by the way...your dad died 2 weeks ago and we had the funeral." I have a strained relationship with my father (he never calls me on birthdays,
xmas, ever, he never helped my mom out w/ money to support me, he is just a sorry excuse for a father all the around) but I really thought that things would be different when Abby was born. My stepmother has grandchildren that my dad considers to be his too, which is fine,
every time I talk to him on the phone all he can do is talk about these kids, when I had a miscarriage and he called me a week later all he could do was talk about how the little girl was turning 2 and he couldn't believe it was a year ago they were at the hospital when she was born (I know...what a
fabulous thing to say in my hour of grief) so I thought that he would be into Abby. I should have known better than to think my stepmother would allow that, she has decreed that they will never be leaving Great Britain again and I'm sure has set financial restrictions on what my father can spend on Abby like she did when I was 10 and my dad wasn't allowed to spend any more money on me for
Xmas than they did on her kids who were in their 20's. No phone call on Abby's birthday, no present, no phone call since
Xmas actually, it's disgusting. He disgusts me. She disgusts me. They do not deserve to ever be in the presence of Abby or have her smile at them or hug them. I had to get that off my chest Internet, I feel a bit better now.