with a toddler? Abby and I are much more mobile now than we used to be so we are always looking for new things to do. I try to go somewhere with her everyday, it may not always be someplace spectacular and fun but it's out of the house ya know? Now that the weather is getting nicer (will it ever stop raining?) I am looking forward to more trips to the zoo, maybe a museum if I'm daring? We are so close to DC and a lot of pretty cool (free) stuff so I feel like I should take advantage of it. I have met some great moms through Little Gym and we try to get together at least once a week to have some fun, I'm proud of myself for going out of my comfort zone to make some new friends. It's been a little hard lately, my circle of friends seems to be getting smaller, people are busy with other things and new projects (I know, tiny violins are playing) so if I'm going to have some friends I need to be proactive. Although I have to say when I am busy I do try to make time for my friends, I just had to say it-there it's out there :) Next week I'm going to a moms night out dinner at the Melting Pot, I have always wanted to go there so I'm excited and I will get to meet some new moms to hopefully connect with and have a great time. Abby is awake and now I must go and put her back to sleep w/ my magic Mommy powers! nite!
Mmmmmm...melting pot. I'm so jealous. I love that place - glad you are making new friends. I find that hard to do. It definitely takes courage and you really have to be vulnerable which isn't something I'm particularly fond of. Good for you!