This week was the Inauguration of Barrack Obama. I wasn't a supporter of his but it was pretty exciting to watch him being sworn in and to see the country so hopeful and excited. Abby was thrilled as you can see by the pic, I let her eat her lunch in the living room so we (I) could watch it. I figure when she is older she can at least say she "saw" it. Today my mum came over and we went out and did some birthday shopping for Edgar. I have to say I feel a little odd giving him a present that he basically bought himself, "here honey look what I got you w/ your own money!" but it's the thought that counts right Internet? Abby was so happy to see my mum, it's so cute! She sees my mum
alot so I'm glad they will have a close relationship. My mum always comes over or shows up while Abby is asleep so we were laughing today about how Abby must think Nana is magic because one moment she isn't there and then she wakes up and POOF she will be laying on the couch or POOF she's in the car! Abby was so good while we were shopping, I remember when I was a little kid having to go shopping w/ my mum was like torture (now i love it because she buys me things) so I felt her pain at having to sit still for so long. But she was a trooper and didn't cry once! Then we all got in the car and took Max to the vets-fun! Before Abby was born Max was my baby and if you would have told me I would be typing this right now I would have called you a liar-liar-pants-on-fire but now he is a dog. Of course he was always a dog but now to me he is not my "baby" he is my dog. I still love him but our relationship has changed, he looks at me w/ resentful eyes these days and we have quite a few arguments about his habit of stealing Abby's stuffed animals. It makes me sad that I feel this way and guilty because I know Edgar still sees him in the same way and probably thinks I'm mean and horrible for feeling like this. I live in the hopes that one day when the real babies have grown up a little bit Max and I will have our love fest back on track.
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