Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009
cookie day

I know Christmas is over but I really like this pic of Abby, she looks so thrilled and Edgar dressed her that day and you know how it is when dads dress kids. This week has been a little cabin fever-ish for Abby and I. It is FREEZING cold outside so we haven't been out as much as normal which is a little mind numbing for me. Abby is teething like a fiend right now, but no teethies will show up for some reason. She has her 2 bottom ones but that's it for now, I have a feeling they will come all at once and really give us a run for our money. Abby has started to wave lately, it's so cute! She kind of looks like she is making hand puppets talk w/ her hands and when we were in the car today I could see her in the mirror waving at herself. Abby has started to wave at people when we are out and it really bugs me when they don't wave back! I want to yell at them and say, "wave to my kid for God's sake!! Can't you see her waving her little arms off at you!!??" so far I have held myself back, but come on Internet-what kind of person doesn't wave back at a baby? If a baby waves at me by hands automatically wave back, I can't help it. Today we had to go to Verizon to get a new cell phone for me because Abby drooled all over and into my cell phone and it shorted out and started acting very strange so I told them it "broke" and they replaced it in like 10 mins! so awesome, only problem is I didn't get to keep my phone numbers so now I have to add them all in. While we were in Verizon a man sneezed. When I say sneezed I mean he yelled as loud as you could possibly yell about 5 times in a row. Who sneezes like that? I can sneeze at a decent pitch and not yell while doing it, Edgar cannot so maybe it's a guy thing. Anyway, folks were looking at him like, "dude?..." and smirking at each other, then Abby started crying because he scared the crap out of her and he apologized and then said, "isn't he cute." In his defense she had on a redskins tracksuit but she had a pink hat on. I wasn't offended I just think it's funny when people do that. Abby was wearing a dress that was purple w/ little tights that matched w/ flowers on them at a baby shower once and some one's great aunt asked about "him" I corrected her but COME ON-she was wearing A DRESS!
Abby is also starting to stand up a little bit w/o holding on to things, scary. I think she will be walking in a couple of months or less, makes me a little bit sad that she is growing up so fast.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
9 months!

Yesterday Abby was officially 9 months old! I can't believe it Internet, it has flown by waaay too fast. Her dr's appointment was great, she is going to be tall (yay) 29 1/2 inches long baby! The nurse had to take blood to check for lead and anemia, so she had to prick her little ole finger. Abby didn't like that very much as you can imagine and then she had a little band aid on her finger and she was quite fascinated by it. I quickly removed it before we got in the car so she didn't eat it. Last night Abby decided at about 2:30 am that it was time to crawl around the bed and practice standing up, also time to giggle at the imaginary thing in the corner of her room that she stares and giggles at (scary). It took about 2 hours almost to get her back to sleep, nursing didn't work, I just had to wait for her to crash, and she did thank god. I'm really considering trying Ferber or another one of those cry it out (cio) sleep thingies because I would rather she slept in her own crib, #1-it was EXPENSIVE lol! #2-I would like to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. I'm such a softie, I just feel anxious and horrible every time I think about cio, ugh...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Holidays

This year I was looking forward the Holidays even more than I usually am because it was Abby's first everything! We started early and took Abby to see Santa before thanksgiving, I assumed she would cry but I'm ok w/ that I just wanted a memory and picture. As soon as she saw the man in red she screamed! I ended up sitting on a stool w/ her on my knee and leaning out of the picture, then Santa rubbed my knee. I want to think that he thought it was Abby, so I'm going w/ that. Christmas Eve we went to church , Abby is in her screaming phase so she screamed a couple of times and we got "looks" from some older folks around us. She wasn't screaming out of fussiness she just likes to express herself. Loudly. They can bite me. There was other kids screaming and crying so there (sticking my tongue out)! The lady next to me had a really nice Coach bag and Abby was trying to get into it, hey the girl has taste.
Christmas morning Abby opened her stocking w/ Daddy and Mommy took pictures as usual. I never get to be in pictures! Then we had a big breakfast and waited around for grandparents to arrive. For some reason Internet, I had insisted that we host Christmas this year. I think I was high on epidural or something because I will never host Christmas again until Abby is older it's waaay too much work w/ a baby. Thank goodness though my Mom brought the majority of the food and it was made already, I made the turkey tho and it was damn good! Abby got so many toys I don't know what to do w/ them and them we watched Mama Mia and everyone left. It was an awesome Christmas but it never lives up to my expectations for some reason, I think I expect it to be like Christmas was when I was little and we used to go to my Aunt's house and there was so many people and we played games and it was a perfect Christmas. I can't wait to make those Christmases for Abby.
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