What a week it's been! Crazy, hectic, fun, and annoying. The fact that we have only had one car has made it hectic and annoying, Abby and I have had to get up at 6:45 and get in a cold car to take Edgar to work. Of course it IS my fault that we had to do that in the first place so whatevs. I've been dealing with some toddlerness too, Abby has started to really know what she wants. The problem is I can't understand or figure it out sometimes and it really pisses her off. Poor baby will be pointing to something that doesn't exist I think and I will frantically be saying, "this? this? this? THIS? HELP ME OUT HERE KID!" Then usually she will throw herself to the floor or bang her head on her tray if she is in her high chair. Her words have exploded in the last couple of weeks though, flower, potty, pee pee, pretty, door, colour, thank you, happy birthday, night night; every day it gets longer. It's amazing to hear and see how much she learns and grows each day. This week, thanks to my wonderful bestie Kari!, we went to see THE WIGGLES! FOR FREE :) I have thought about taking Abby to an Elmo live in the past and thought, "nah, she's too young. she won't sit still for it". But since this was free I decided what the heck, if she melts down we can just leave and not feel like we've wasted money. I asked Kelly and Nicholas if they would like to join us, even though I know Kelly is no friend of The Wiggles (can't say as I blame her) and she had the same mentality I did, why not? So off we went to the Verizon Center, got to our seats, very nice seats, good view of the stage, not that far back. The show starts and Abby is mesmerised, she starts to dance and clap her hands...she doesn't stop dancing for about half the show. They loved it, I think Nicholas was in awe of the whole thing. They laughed and danced and clapped. Great experience to see that through their eyes. After an hour and half Kelly and I looked at each other and decided that if it wasn't over in 10 minutes then we were out of there, there is only so much Wiggles two grown women can take ok? But thankfully it was over, we survived!